Nice to meet you! I have recently graduated from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Jabalpur with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Finished Intermediate and High School at Delhi Public School, Kingdom of Bahrain, following the CBSE curriculum. Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Software Development are my areas of interest.

In addition to my bachelor's degree, I have completed three internships at Ascian Solution, Mastech Infotrellis, and Samsung SDS. These internships were in the Machine Learning, Data Science, and software development domain. Currently, I am employed as a software development engineer with Samsung SDS in Gurugram.

Also, I have worked on several machine learning projects involving topics such as Natural Language Processing, Recommendation Systems, supervised and unsupervised learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, Reinforcement learning algorithms, and optimization algorithms such as Plant Propagation.

Having gained significant knowledge over the past couple of years, as a student intern, I feel confident and motivated to conduct research and real-world work related to cutting-edge technologies.


Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
• CGPA in coursework: 7.9
August 2018 - May 2022

New Millennium School, Delhi Public School, Kingdom of Bahrain


• Subjects: Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science, and English

June 2016 - June 2018

New Millennium School, Delhi Public School, Kingdom of Bahrain

High School

• Indian CBSE curriculum

• School House Captain (2014 - 2015)

• Subjects: Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, French and English.

July 2005 - July 2016


Senior Executive

Samsung SDS

Single-handedly contributed to creating and modifying pages using templates, content slots, and components.

Designed and modified email functionalities along with business processes.

Created Impex’s and cronjobs for scheduled tasks.

Modified an assigned module by writing controller classes, business logic at the service layer, and JSP pages, understanding end-to-end process.

Solitarily worked on client-reported defects to fix them punctually. Also, added bug fixes to the client's system.

Made configuration customization within Backoffice for reporting.

Assisted clients in the order management process, including sending orders to SAP.

July 2022 - Current

Software Development Internship

Samsung SDS

• Learned technologies used within the company - Spring Boot and Java.

• Developing Rest API using Spring Boot and testing it using Postman API.

• Cracked the Advanced level software test.

February 2022 - June 2022

Data Science Internship

Mastech Infotrellis

• Worked on a project to develop a credit scoring model that would distinguish between good and bad loans.

• Performed univariate and bivariate analysis on a dataset containing loan data retrieved from the lending club website.

• Statistical techniques like Weight of Evidence (WOE) and Information Value (IV) were used to screen the variables.

• Developed a Python package that contains all the necessary functions required for performing EDA.

May 2021 - August 2021

Machine Learning Internship

Ascian Solutions

• Independently developed book Recommendation Engine based on Google Book API and parameterized equation scores to provide recommendations to any user.

• Utilized Amazon Rekognition and S3 bucket to create emotion-based-color changing bounding boxes around each video frame passed as input.

• Parallelly, developed a backend content-based recommendation engine using the Goodreads dataset.

April 2021 - June 2021



Developed a hybrid machine learning model which can first predict the AQI based on certain levels of different chemical pollutants in the air and also classifies them by using a logistic regression technique or a passive-aggressive classifier model, with a final score of 58.16%.

PowerPoint Presentation


Developed a web application using Flask Framework, along with transfer learning models such as Resnet50 and InceptionV3, for predicting whether the cotton plant's image illustrates that it is diseased or not.


Implemented N.L.P. applications with random forest classifier, Cat Boost classifier, and XG-Boost classifier models, with hyperparameter tuning, to predict whether the news headlines given as input will have a negative or positive impact on the stocks based on the closing index.


Developed a face recognition model to mark attendance using OpenCV and face-Recognition libraries of the known people by providing an image file of the user and matching them accordingly with the webcam.


Programming Languages
Operating Sysytems
Tools and Libraries
Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Natural Language Processing
Software Development
Dev Ops